"Ultimate" Job Seeker Skills – Novel Ways to Research Your Next Position
Led by: CTC Coach Mike Munger and Assistant Recruiting Manager, MAKE Corporation
CTC Coach Mike Munger brings his "recruiter" perspective to job search.
It’s said that over 70% of jobs are filled without recruiters or job sites like LinkedIn. While networking is a large piece of that, so is seeking out and finding jobs posted on small/medium size career pages. Those posting have less applicants and may be more willing to train new skills than anything a recruiter or job site will have.
Make the pivot
Ensure you can compete
Easy networking steps
About the Presenter:
Mike is a Recruiting Manager for the MAKE Corporation. Mike has previous experience as a technical recruiter for the LaSalle Network . Mike holds a B.S. in Sales Management with a minor in History and Organizational Leadership and Supervision from Purdue University.
If you have any questions about accessing the workshop please contact:
Tracy Patton, Client Services Coordinator (Cell: 312-882-3089 or info@ctcchicago.org)
Blanche Roberts, Program and Coaching Director (Cell: 773-983-1369 or broberts@ctcchicago.org)
Anita Jenke, Executive Director (Cell: 708-785-1938 or ajenke@ctcchicago.org)
The Career Transitions Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Call or Email Us:
Office: +1 (312) 906-9908
Email: Info@ctcchicago.org
600 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60661