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  • VIRTUAL: An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EQI) PUBLIC WORKSHOP

VIRTUAL: An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EQI) PUBLIC WORKSHOP

  • 11/11/2021
  • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM (CST)
  • Virtual (Zoom Link Sent After Registration)


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 An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EQI)

Led by: CTC Coach Bo Golovan, Executive Coach and President Strategic Solutions Associates 

75% of careers get derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies according to the Center for Creative Leadership.

These competencies also matter in job search, before you get the next position! This workshop offers a general overview of these social and emotional competencies (often referred to as Emotional Intelligence or EQ) and how others use EI skills to succeed professionally in different careers.  

Participants will identify examples of behaviors linked to EI competencies from their own careers, see examples of effective EI in action, and practice evaluating an upcoming career decision using with an integration of  both cognitive and emotional information.  The workshop ends with a takeaway career planning tool for how to incorporate EI concepts into their career/job search and career goals, and a list of Practices to further explore and develop any specific skill that might be of interest to them.  

What Participants Say:

"I enjoyed the interpersonal interaction exercises with my peers attending the talk. I thick such interaction has the ability to boost ones own confidence, which I think is something many of us in transition need."

"The presenter was amazing. I would recommend her to anyone that is in transition or someone that wants to develop other more EI skills."

"Useful program - presenter was thorough in her explanation of EI. I feel more confident about self at the end."

"Bo was very friendly and energetic."

"I learned about the physiological components involved in processing information."

"I gained a new level of awareness."

**To make this workshop a valuable experience, attendance is capped at 20 participants.

If you have any questions about accessing the workshop please contact:

Tracy Patton, Client Services Coordinator (Cell: 312-882-3089 or info@ctcchicago.org)

Blanche Roberts, Program and Coaching Director (Cell: 773-983-1369 or broberts@ctcchicago.org)

Anita Jenke, Executive Director (Cell: 708-785-1938 or ajenke@ctcchicago.org)

The Career Transitions Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

Call or Email Us:

Office: +1 (312) 906-9908

Email: Info@ctcchicago.org


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Chicago, IL 60661

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