Your Step-by-Step Guide to An Impactful LinkedIn Profile
Led by: CTC Coach Sue Schmitz, Greener Pastures Career Consulting
Research shows that as many as 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn profiles to find
and vet candidates!
LinkedIn is almost, if not as important, as a resume in the job search process. This workshop is designed to help you strengthen your own LinkedIn profile and improve your chances of being "found" or positively vetted by employers and recruiters.
During this 60-minute presentation we will walk through each of the fields on the profile page and explain what the LinkedIn algorithm is seeking. You will see examples of strong profiles and time will be left at the end of the presentation to ask questions about the information being covered.
If you have any questions about accessing the workshop please contact:
Tracy Patton, Client Services Coordinator (Cell: 312-882-3089 or
Blanche Roberts, Program and Coaching Director (Cell: 773-983-1369 or
Anita Jenke, Executive Director (Cell: 708-785-1938 or
The Career Transitions Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Call or Email Us:
Office: +1 (312) 906-9908
600 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60661