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Reducing Stress Through Mindfulness and Meditation Practice (Virtual, PUBLIC WORKSHOP

  • 04/14/2022
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CDT)
  • Zoom


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 Reducing Stress through Mindfulness & Medication Practice

An Interactive Workshop for People at any stage of practice--including beginners! 

Led by: Deb Wilson, CTC Staff Member and Certified Teacher

in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Mindfulness and meditation practice provides proven benefits, such as stress reduction, improved self-care, decrease in negative habits and thinking, and improved ability to manage anxiety and depression.  These techniques often prove invaluable to individuals experiencing the stress of job loss, and career transition.

Deb will provide an overview of the techniques and practice of mindfulness-based stress reduction and lead a 15-minute meditation practice, so participants can receive some immediate benefits and understand how to create a mindfulness practice for themselves.

Deb Wilson has been a practitioner of MBSR since 1997 and has used this practice during job loss and career transitions, in managing her own health issues, and in supporting others as a family caregiver. She has been a teacher of mindfulness-based stress reduction for the past 10 years and offered instruction to a multitude of individuals and groups throughout Chicago (via Zoom) during the pandemic. Deb earned her certification through the Brown School of Public Health.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 8225 4172
Passcode: 493316

Dial by your location:          +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

If you have any questions about accessing the workshop, please contact:

Tracy Patton, Client Services Coordinator (Cell: 312-882-3089 or info@ctcchicago.org)

Nadia Whiteside, Program and Coaching Director (Cell: 773-350-0541 or nadia2ctc@gmail.com)

Anita Jenke, Executive Director (Cell: 708-785-1938 or ajenke@ctcchicago.org)

The Career Transitions Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

Call or Email Us:

Office: +1 (312) 906-9908

Email: Info@ctcchicago.org


600 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 100

Chicago, IL 60661

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