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  • ACTION: Interviews that Get Results (MEMBERS ONLY)

ACTION: Interviews that Get Results (MEMBERS ONLY)

  • 08/18/2022
  • 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM (CDT)
  • Virtual (Zoom Info In Program Description)


Registration is closed

Action: Interviews That Get Results

Led by: CTC Coach Sharon Krohn

Create a positive and lasting impression in every interview to further your progress and land the job. In this Building Skills session, you will learn about various types of interviews, including behavioral, and benefit from tips and techniques to increase your comfort, confidence and results. Session includes current content pertinent to negotiating terms of employment.  Online registration in advance is required to attend this session.

What CTC Members Say:

"Outstanding! Sharon is so knowledgeable, approachable and engaging. She does a remarkable job and I always learn something new from her."

“She is a wonderful instructor and gives great feedback. “

“Sharon very effectively involved group members to bring out their work experiences to benefit others.”

NOTE: Please refer to the Action Workbook. WORKBOOK Building Skills 4 Version 2021.pdf


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 684 571 6759
Passcode: 195345

If you have any questions about accessing the workshop, please contact:

Tracy Patton, Client Services Coordinator (Cell: 312-882-3089 or info@ctcchicago.org)

Nadia Whiteside, Program and Coaching Director (Cell: 773-350-0541 or nadia2ctc@gmail.com)

Anita Jenke, Executive Director (Cell: 708-785-1938 or ajenke@ctcchicago.org)

The Career Transitions Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

Call or Email Us:

Office: +1 (312) 906-9908

Email: Info@ctcchicago.org


600 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 100

Chicago, IL 60661

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