The Handbill for Networking & Job Search
Led by: CTC Program Director Nadia Whiteside
The Handbill can be an invaluable tool for networking, both in-person and virtually. By outlining your job search activities and criteria, jobseekers can provide specific guidelines and information to their network to effectively engage them in providing support and contacts for job search. But the handbill can also serve as a tool for those in Discovery-- to track target companies, individuals, insights and keywords.
Participants will not only learn these applications but have the opportunity to craft their own customized handbill!
About the Presenter:
Nadia is a former client and has served as the Program & Coaching Director for CTC for five years (2015-2019, 2022 to present). She also has a private coaching practice, Ur Next Chapter Coaching where she works primarily with first-generation college graduates as they enter the professional workforce. Nadia's background includes 25 years in the nonprofit sector. She has been developing career services and programming for more than 15 years in a variety of settings and for a wide array of audiences from college students to late-career professionals.
The Career Transitions Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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