Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Led By Robert Gramillano, CTC Instructor
Program Description:
Recent data suggests there is a consensus among hiring professionals
that communication ability and emotional intelligence are attributes strongly desired by hiring managers, but often hard to find in
the candidate pool. By examining one’s EQ, jobseekers can demonstrate
their potential to provide significant benefits to their employer,
create better relationships, and promote a positive work environment.
This interactive workshop will provide participants with the tools to gain
control over their emotions, navigate challenging situations, and communicate empathetically within teams and the overall work environment.
Registrants will be sent a link to complete a free online EQi
assessment in advance of the workshop.
If you have any questions about accessing the workshop, please contact:
Hope Cullen, Client Services Coordinator at info@ctcchicago.org
The Career Transitions Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Call or Email Us:
Office: +1 (312) 906-9908
Email: Info@ctcchicago.org
600 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60661