"How Wrigley Field Made ME a Better Networker" Series:
Session 3: Getting to Know More People Through Your Joys
Led by: CTC Coach Colleen McFarland
In the third of this five-part workshop series on networking, you will learn how you can meet more people through a new approach to networking.
Spend one hour in this workshop and walk away with some actions you can implement immediately!
All sessions are held 5:30 -6:30pm CT
Session 4: Tuesday, May 13 - Connecting with People Through Your Joys
Session 5: Tuesday, May 20 - Ask Your Network for Help
Client Feedback:
This Workshop series is great and worth the time to attend.
Colleen McFarland's positive energy and enthusiasm for networking is inspirational. She gives concrete examples of how to build connections and reach out to people.
Workshop content is superb and up to date. Lots of examples (including screenshots of Colleen's social media posts) and resources (books, websites, etc.).
Colleen McFarland
CTC Coach and Author of Disconnected
Colleen’s expertise is organizational change management. She works with leaders who appreciate the value of anticipating and preparing for the impact a business change will have on their customers and employees. She has seen the benefits of good change management on business outcomes and culture.
Colleen is a huge advocate of networking and makes networking part of her every day. Being open to others, getting to know them, working to understand their point of view and learning from them is what she does.
To learn more about Colleen, visit http://www.colleenmcfarland.us